Student Resources
Student Resources
The tabs above include important resources. Please read through all of them and return whenever necessary.**
Canvas support
All Canvas users have access to 24/7 Canvas support available in the Chat support Links to an external site.
- Canvas Student Guides Links to an external site.
- Student Orientation - a quick tour of Canvas to help orient you to the essentials of Canvas
Hawkeye Technical Support
All Hawkeye students have a username and password to access My Hawkeye for the following services:
- My WebAdvisor
- Hawkeye email
- Canvas
You can reset your password online through a self-password reset. *NOTE: After resetting your password it is best to wait 5-10 minutes before using your new password to allow the server to accept this password. You will be temporarily locked out of your account for 15 minutes after three incorrect tries.
Additional password and technical support can be found by visiting the
- Student Tutoring and Computer Lab in Bremer Hall room 127 or call 319-296-4029. STC Lab hours
- Hawkeye Library, lower level of the Library building or call 319-296-4006. Library hours
Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is valued at Hawkeye Community College. For students, understanding that academic integrity may look different in different courses on campus is critical. Students should read the course syllabus and consult with their instructor to better understand what academic integrity means in your course.
Watch the video to learn more about academic integrity.
The integrity of an academic program and degree rests on the principle that the grades awarded to students must reflect only their own individual efforts and achievements.
Students are required to perform the work specified by the instructor and are responsible for the content of work submitted, such as papers, reports, examinations, and other work. Violations of academic integrity include various types of plagiarism and cheating.
The full policy can be viewed in the Student Handbook which includes disciplinary actions, notification, and the appeal process.
Hawkeye Community College Library
The Hawkeye Community College Library is open 64.5 hours per week Sunday-Friday during the academic year and normal College operating hours during the summer term. Library hours are posted online.
Library Services & Resources:
- Password resets via phone (call 319-296-4006) or via online chat Links to an external site.
- Eight private study rooms, including two outfitted with collaborative learning technology perfect for group study. Study rooms may be booked online.
- The Quiet Space is a low-stimulus, private room designed for individuals to take short breaks from the stress of the day, observe devotions, etc. This room is located on the library’s first floor and is first come, first serve.
- Online tutorials and Research Guides that provide 24/7 research assistance; click on the “Library Resources” option on the left menu bar in your Canvas course to link to specific resources.
- Online chat Links to an external site. service for quick reference questions, help with research, etc.
- Enjoy free coffee or tea while studying in the library.
- Desktop computers, 10 with dual monitors, and printers, including a color printer, are available for use.
- A limited number of laptops, Chromebooks, and Wi-Fi hotspots are available for checkout for the entire term you are registered.
- Enjoy audiobooks, e-books, and more via the Library’s new Hoopla Links to an external site. platform.
- Pick up a free copy of the current Hawkeye Reads book.
The Student Tutoring and Computer Lab offers face-to-face as well as Online Tutoring through Brainfuse! To schedule a tutor appointment, stop in Bremer 127 or call 319-296-4029.
STC Overall Schedule:
Fall 2024 STC Tutor Schedule.pdf Download Fall 2024 STC Tutor Schedule.pdf
Math Schedule:
STC Math Schedule Fall 2024.pdf Download STC Math Schedule Fall 2024.pdf
Writing Schedule:
STC Writing, Study Skills Flyer Fall 2024.pdf Download STC Writing, Study Skills Flyer Fall 2024.pdf
Science Schedule:
STC Science Flyer Fall 2024.pdf Download STC Science Flyer Fall 2024.pdf
Business Schedule:
STC Business Schedule Fall 2024.pdf Download STC Business Schedule Fall 2024.pdf
Brainfuse offers students access to live, on-demand tutoring in many subjects including:
- Accounting and business courses
- Biology and A&P
- Chemistry
- Math
- Statistics
- Writing
Access Brainfuse Online Tutoring through your courses in Canvas today!
There are many services available to you while attending Hawkeye.
Go to or Call Routing Handout Download Go to or Call Routing Handout is a great aid to help you understand the services and location of important Hawkeye Offices.
Registration & Tuition Information
- Spring 2025 Registration and Tuition Information Download Spring 2025 Registration and Tuition Information
Financial Aid Office
The financial aid office's goal is to make it financially possible for all qualified students to attend Hawkeye. Financial aid programs are available to assist you in meeting the difference between potential resources and college expenses.
We are here to help you understand your financial aid, budget your resources, and loan management. Most of your questions can be answered without an appointment by giving us a call at 319-296-4020, sending an email to, or text us at 319-209-9239.
If you feel you may need more specific assistance, such as completing the FAFSA application, completing verification documents, or have a special circumstance, you can schedule an appointment with our office.
Graduation Directions
Voter Information
Please view the remaining list below to inform yourself of the specific available services.
The advising team is here to help you plan for a successful college experience, from your first day to graduation. Advisors can help with a variety of questions including what courses to take each semester. Each student is assigned an Academic/College Success Advisor specific to their program of study. Students in Career and Technical programs also have a faculty mentor within their programs of study who can assist with course and career planning.
In addition, we have an advisor that specializes in Career Advising. They are able to assist with choosing a major, career exploration, job searching, and resume/cover letter creating. Students can visit the Hawkeye Job Board Links to an external site. to find full-time, part-time, and internship opportunities!
Academic Advising is available in the Student Services Office located in Hawkeye Center, Upper Level, and in Bremer Hall Room 136. View the Academic Advising information on Hawkeye's website.
Student Services may be reached by calling 319-296-4014.
Assessment and Testing
Hawkeye Community College is an official test site for several college entrance exams, professional certification exams, and a proctoring site. We also offer professional certification exams including certification with the Federal Aviation Administration, Automotive Service Excellence, and the Iowa Board of Dentistry. Students can earn college credits with the CLEP exam.
Assessment and Testing are available in the Student Services Office located in Hawkeye Center, Upper Level. View the Assessment and Testing information on Hawkeye's website.
Assessment and Testing may be reached by calling 319-296-4014 ext: 4318.
International Student Services
International Student Services information can be found on Hawkeye's website.
Services are located in Hawkeye Center, 1st Floor, Registrar’s Office, and can be reached by calling 319-296-2460.
Veteran Services
The Veterans Services Office, located in Brock Student Center, houses the Veterans Services Coordinator who provides military-connected students with assistance in processes related to admissions, financial aid, and obtaining military education benefits. Assistance is also available for advocacy and referrals needed to access campus and community resources. The coordinator acts as an advisor for the student veteran’s organization and manages the Military and Veterans Resource Center in the Brock Student Center.
View the Military and Veteran Services information on Hawkeye's website.
Military and Veteran Services may be reached by calling 319-296-2320 x1212 or 1-800-670-4769 x1212.
Mental Health Services
Sometimes you just need someone to talk to. A professional counselor can help you identify issues that may be barriers to your academic success. The counselor will help you with problem-solving and decision-making, individual, academic, financial, work, and career concerns.
Health Services are available at the Student Health Clinic in Health Education and Student Center (HESC) - left door entrance. Appointments are recommended.
Visit the Student Health Clinic information found on Hawkeye's website to inform yourself of current hours and information to bring with you to an appointment.
Student Health Clinic may be reached by calling 319-296-4224 or emailing .
24-Hour Helpline
Students have access to a masters-level mental health counselor through a confidential 24-hour helpline. The helpline counselor can provide support to students about issues including friends, family, school, mental health, substance abuse, etc. The counselor can also provide referrals to local resources for additional services. The 24-hour free and confidential helpline is 800-464-6056.
Student Accessibility Services
Specialized services are available to provide equal access for each student with a disability at Hawkeye Community College. Students qualifying under the Americans with Disabilities Act can receive testing and learning accommodations, coordination of needed services, alternate text formats, specialized software and/or equipment, referrals to internal and external resources, and advocacy.
Student Accessibility Services are available through the Student Services Office located in Hawkeye Center, Upper Level. View the Student Accessibility Services information on Hawkeye's website.
Student Accessibility Services may be reached by calling 319-296-4014.
Safe Colleges
Access the courses through this link:
Student Services Office - Assistance
The Student Services Office may be able to provide financial assistance for students with emergencies. These funds may only be accessed once by a student. Students will need to provide documentation of their emergency. Funds may not be given directly to students and may not be immediately available.
Contact the Student Services Office in Hawkeye Center, Upper Level, for more information.
Student Services may be reached by calling 319-296-4014.
Students are also welcome to access additional resource information through these links: